Pat Rehmer


Band member since:

The primary function I serve in the band is as:

I started playing music when I was:
5 yrs. old

I started playing music because:
Didn’t have a choice in the matter!

Besides Pieces of Eight, I currently perform and/or have performed in these other bands:
Block Logik, The Usual Suspects, Back At You Band, and Forever Rhythm and Blues

Music is a fun hobby, but in real life:
What about it?

Outside of performing with the band, I have a life. In my personal life:
Systems Engineer

When not performing in a band I like:
Listen to other bands.

My thoughts on Pieces of Eight are:
Great guys and great musicians.

My favorite memory of being in the band over the years is probably:
The first time I played with POE at the Bocce Tournament.

Oh, I almost forgot, I wanted to add:
Not a thing.