Kurt Kendig

Guitar & Vocals

AKA – Nickname(s):
Stig, Captian-Stig-O-Ma-Jig, Old Man River, Mitchum

Band member since:

The primary function I serve in the band is as:
Guitar player and vocalist

I can also fumble my way through playing:
The trombone

I started playing music when I was:
10 – trombone, 13 – guitar

I started playing music because:
“Q” made me

Besides POE, I currently perform and/or have performed in these other bands:
Destiny, Stig and Stan

Music is a fun hobby. But in real life:
I work for Siemens Building Technologies as a Mechanical Service Account Engineer

Outside of performing with the band, I have a life. In my personal life:
I am a “honey do” service technician for my wife and a chauffeur for my 5 kids

When not performing in a band I like to:
… ah … Pray for world peace

My thoughts on Pieces of Eight are:
We should have named the band “free beer”

My favorite band related saying is:
“Give me the bucket!”

My favorite memory of being in the band over the years is:
Probably in Daytona Beach, with a number of people in the room, Sosic sitting on the bed, butt naked and drunk and he says “hey anyone wanna bullshit”

Oh, I almost forgot, I wanted to add:
We really enjoy watching people “dance”